Master List of Invented Words


Click the following for a printable pdf version of the list: MASTER LIST 594 Words

The following is a complete list of individual words (and not compound words) whose earliest appearance in English literature was in a work attributed to Shakespeare.

1. a-billing1. fangless1. pajock1. tanling
2. abrook2. fap2. pannell2. tardily
3. Academe3. fascinorious3. parkward3. temperality
4. acerb4. fathomless4. parti-coated4. Tibert
5. acture5. fedarie5. pash (noun 2)5. tirrit
6. adoptedly6. felicitate6. passado6. toged
7. adoptious7. fer7. pauser7. torcher
8. affectioned (adj.2)8. festinately8. pebbled8. tortive
9. agued9. fill (noun 2)9. pensived9. trash (verb 1)
10. a-hooting10. finless10. persistency10. trippingly
11. aidance11. fishify11. persistive11. truncheoner
12. airless12. fitful12. phantasim12. twilled (adj. 2)
13. allayment13. fitment13. Philippan
14. allicholly (adj. and noun)14. fives (noun 1)14. phraselessU
15. alligator (noun 2)15. fixture15. pibble-pabble
16. allons16. fleckled16. pilcher1. umbered
17. allottery17. fleshment17. pioned2. unaching
18. annexment18. forbiddenly18. plantage3. unaneled
19. anthropophaginian19. forgetive19. plighter4. unauspicious
20. apathaton20. foutre20. plumpy5. unbated
21. appearer21. fub21. poppering6. unbless
22. appertainment22. fustilarian22. portage( noun 2)7. unbloodied
23. a-repairing23. posied8. unblowed
24. argalG24. preambulate9. unbonneted
25. a-ripening25. preceptial10. unbookish
26. aroint1. gally26. precipit11. unbraided
27. asinego2. gar27. precurror12. unbreeched
28. assubjugate3. glib (verb 2)28. predecease13. uncandied
29. attask4. gnarled29. preformed14. uncape
30. attemptable5. gratility30. pre-employ15. unchary
31. attributive6. greasily31. prenzie16. uncheck
7. guardage32. pre-surmise17. unclaimed
B8. guessingly33. preyful18. unclog
9. guiltily34. priceless (shared credit)
1. barful (shared credit)19. unclue / unclew
2. barkyH35. primogenitive20. uncolted
3. basta36. primy21. uncomprehensive
4. bateless1. hardock37. printless22. unconfinable
5. batler2. hay (noun 5)38. prompture23. uncuckolded
6. Bavian3. hearsed39. propertied24. uncurbable
7. bawcock4. herblet40. pudency25. uncurl
8. behowl5. hic jacet41. pugging26. uncurrent
9. belee6. hillo42. pulsidge27. uncurse
10. bemadding7. hist43. push(shared credit)
11. bemock8. hostessship    (noun 3)28. undeaf
12. bemocked29. undeeded
13. bemonsterIQ30. undeserver
14. bepray31. undinted
15. bescreen1. illume1. qualmed32. undistinguishable
16. besmirch2. immediacy2. quatch33. unearthly
17. besmirched3. immoment3. questant34. uneducated
18. besort (noun and verb)4. impaint4. questrist35. unexperient
19. betrim5. impartment36. unexpressive
20. betumbled6. imperceiverantR37. unfamed
21. bewasted7. impeticos38. unfathered
22. bewitchment8. impleach1. razorable39. unfilial
23. biddy9. implorator2. reclusive40. unfool
24. birthdom10. importless3. recountment41. unforfeited
25. blastment11. impress (noun 24. rejoindure42. ungalled
26. boggler  and verb 1)5. relier43. ungenitured
27. bosky12. inaidable6. relume / relumine44. ungored
28. bottled13. incardinate7. remediate45. ungravely
29. bragless14. inclip8. removedness46. ungrown
30. brimfulness15. incorpsed9. reportingly47. unhaired
31. brisky16. increaseful10. reposure48. unhand
32. bubukle17. indistinguishable11. reprobance49. unhardened
33. budger18. indistinguished12. repured50. unimproved (adj. 2)
34. buggle-boo19. infamonize13. reputeless51. unkinglike
20. infectiously14. respeak52. unmeritable
C21. inhoop15. restem53. unmitigable
22. injoint16. resurvey54. unmitigated
1. canary (noun 4)23. inscroll17. revengive55. unnerved
2. cannibally24. inshell18. reverb56. unowed
3. canopied25. insinew19. reword57. unpanged
4. cardinally26. insisture20. ribaudred58. unpathed
5. carlot27. instinctively21. rondure59. unpay (verb 2)
6. cerement28. insultment22. rooky60. unpeg
7. chaffless29. insuppresive23. rootedly61. unpinked
8. chaliced30. intenible24. rubious62. unplausive
9. chapeless31. interchain25. rumourer63. unpolicied
10. chapless32. intertangled26. runnion64. unpregnant
11. characterless33. intertissued65. unprevailing
12. charneco34. intrenchantS66. unprofited
13. childness35. intrince67. unprovoke
14. chirurgeonly36. inurn1. s'68. unpruned
15. choppy37. inventorially2. sanctuarize69. unqualitied
16. cital38. investment3. savagery70. unrecalling
17. climature39. invised4. scaffoldage71. unrecuring
18. cloyless40. irregulous5. scamel72. unseduced
19. cloyment41. iterance6. scarfed73. unseminared
20. codding7. scrimer74. unsex
21. cojoinJ8. scrippage75. unshout
22. collied9. sect (noun 2)76. unshrubbed
23. comart1. jadery10. sedged77. unshunned
24. combless2. Joan11. semblative78. unsisting
25. comeddled3. joinder12. sessa79. unslipping
26. comutual4. jointress13. sharded80. unsmirched
27. compulsative5. juvenal14. shelvy81. unsolicited
28. compulsatory15. sherris82. unsphere
29. compunctiousK16. silverly83. unstooping
30. conceptious17. sistering84. unsullied
31. concernancy1. keech18. skimble-skamble85. unswayable
32. confineless2. keksyes19. skyish86. unswayed
33. confirmity3. kickie-wickie20. sledded87. untempering
34. congree4. kingdomed21. sleided88. untender
35. congreet22. slickly89. untent
36. conspectuityL23. slippered90. untented
37. continuantly24. slish91. untimbered
38. copataine1. labra25. sluggardize92. untread
39. correctioner2. languageless26. smell-less93. untreasure
40. corresponsive3. laughable27. smirched94. untutored
41. co-supreme4. law (int.)28. sneap / sneaping95. unvenerable
42. crestless5. lewdster29. soiled (adj. 2)96. unwappered
43. crimeful6. lifeling30. sola97. unwedgeable
44. cubiculo7. loo31. soldieress98. unweighing
45. cullionly8. looped (adj. 2)32. solidare99. unwept
46. cursorary9. lune (noun 2)33. sonance100. unwrung
47. cyme10. lustihood34. sortance101. ushering
35. soundless
DM36. sowl (verb 3)V
37. spectacled
1. daisied1. malicho38. spectatorship1. vagrom
2. dateless2. mansionry39. spelling2. varletto
3. deceptious3. manus40. spilth3. vastidity
4. definement4. mappery41. spleenful4. vastly
5. defunctive5. marcantant42. sprag5. ventage
6. denotement6. meditance43. sprightfully6. via
7. deracinate7. meered44. squinny7. viewless
8. derogately8. memento mori45. startingly8. villagery
9. devotement9. militarist46. stelled9. visitating
10. diable10. millioned47. sternage10. vizament
11. dich11. minimus48. stigmatic
12. directitude12. misadventured49. sticheryW
13. disbench13. misbecomingly50. strewment
14. discandy14. misgraffed51. stricture (noun 2)1. wafture
15. discandying15. mis-sheathed52. stringless2. wappened
16. discase16. missingly53. stuck (noun 2)3. week
17. disedge17. mistership54. subcontract4. wenchless
18. disinsanity18. mistreading55. subduement
19. disliken19. mobled56. subtractor5. windring
20. dislimn20. mockable57. successantly6. wrinch
21. disorb21. Moorship58. sumless
22. dispraisingly22. moraller59. superdaintyX
23. disproperty23. morris (noun 2)60. superflux
24. dispurse24. mose (verb 2)61. superpraiseY
25. disquantity25. moulten62. superscript
26. distilment26. moy (noun 2)63. superserviceable1. yellowing
27. disvouch64. suppliant (adj. 2)
28. dotantN65. suradditionZ
29. dowerless66. suum
30. drollery1. nayword67. swoltery
31. droplet2. neglectingly68. sympathize
32. dropsied3. niggarding (shared credit)
33. dwindle4. noncome
5. nonny
E6. nonregardance
7. Norwejan
1. eanling
2. effectlessO
3. egma
4. emballing1. oathable
5. embrasure2. omittance
6. empatron3. oneyer
7. empiricutic4. operance
8. enacture5. opposeless
9. enclog6. oppugnancy
10. encompassment7. ostent (noun 2)
11. encrimsoned8. ouphe
12. end (verb 2)
13. enfranched
14. enfreedom
15. engaol
16. enguard
17. enhearse
18. enmesh
19. enrapt
20. enridged
21. enschedule
22. ensky
23. enswathe
24. entame (verb 2)
25. entwist
26. enwheel
27. escot
28. eventful
29. evil (noun 2)
30. exceptless
31. excitement
32. exion
33. exposture
34. exposure
35. expressure
36. exsufflicate
37. extincture
38. extolment