Click the following for a printable pdf version of the list: MASTER LIST 594 Words
The following is a complete list of individual words (and not compound words) whose earliest appearance in English literature was in a work attributed to Shakespeare.
A-E | F-O | P-S | T-Z |
A | F | P | T |
1. a-billing | 1. fangless | 1. pajock | 1. tanling |
2. abrook | 2. fap | 2. pannell | 2. tardily |
3. Academe | 3. fascinorious | 3. parkward | 3. temperality |
4. acerb | 4. fathomless | 4. parti-coated | 4. Tibert |
5. acture | 5. fedarie | 5. pash (noun 2) | 5. tirrit |
6. adoptedly | 6. felicitate | 6. passado | 6. toged |
7. adoptious | 7. fer | 7. pauser | 7. torcher |
8. affectioned (adj.2) | 8. festinately | 8. pebbled | 8. tortive |
9. agued | 9. fill (noun 2) | 9. pensived | 9. trash (verb 1) |
10. a-hooting | 10. finless | 10. persistency | 10. trippingly |
11. aidance | 11. fishify | 11. persistive | 11. truncheoner |
12. airless | 12. fitful | 12. phantasim | 12. twilled (adj. 2) |
13. allayment | 13. fitment | 13. Philippan | |
14. allicholly (adj. and noun) | 14. fives (noun 1) | 14. phraseless | U |
15. alligator (noun 2) | 15. fixture | 15. pibble-pabble | |
16. allons | 16. fleckled | 16. pilcher | 1. umbered |
17. allottery | 17. fleshment | 17. pioned | 2. unaching |
18. annexment | 18. forbiddenly | 18. plantage | 3. unaneled |
19. anthropophaginian | 19. forgetive | 19. plighter | 4. unauspicious |
20. apathaton | 20. foutre | 20. plumpy | 5. unbated |
21. appearer | 21. fub | 21. poppering | 6. unbless |
22. appertainment | 22. fustilarian | 22. portage( noun 2) | 7. unbloodied |
23. a-repairing | 23. posied | 8. unblowed | |
24. argal | G | 24. preambulate | 9. unbonneted |
25. a-ripening | 25. preceptial | 10. unbookish | |
26. aroint | 1. gally | 26. precipit | 11. unbraided |
27. asinego | 2. gar | 27. precurror | 12. unbreeched |
28. assubjugate | 3. glib (verb 2) | 28. predecease | 13. uncandied |
29. attask | 4. gnarled | 29. preformed | 14. uncape |
30. attemptable | 5. gratility | 30. pre-employ | 15. unchary |
31. attributive | 6. greasily | 31. prenzie | 16. uncheck |
7. guardage | 32. pre-surmise | 17. unclaimed | |
B | 8. guessingly | 33. preyful | 18. unclog |
9. guiltily | 34. priceless | (shared credit) | |
1. barful | (shared credit) | 19. unclue / unclew | |
2. barky | H | 35. primogenitive | 20. uncolted |
3. basta | 36. primy | 21. uncomprehensive | |
4. bateless | 1. hardock | 37. printless | 22. unconfinable |
5. batler | 2. hay (noun 5) | 38. prompture | 23. uncuckolded |
6. Bavian | 3. hearsed | 39. propertied | 24. uncurbable |
7. bawcock | 4. herblet | 40. pudency | 25. uncurl |
8. behowl | 5. hic jacet | 41. pugging | 26. uncurrent |
9. belee | 6. hillo | 42. pulsidge | 27. uncurse |
10. bemadding | 7. hist | 43. push | (shared credit) |
11. bemock | 8. hostessship | (noun 3) | 28. undeaf |
12. bemocked | 29. undeeded | ||
13. bemonster | I | Q | 30. undeserver |
14. bepray | 31. undinted | ||
15. bescreen | 1. illume | 1. qualmed | 32. undistinguishable |
16. besmirch | 2. immediacy | 2. quatch | 33. unearthly |
17. besmirched | 3. immoment | 3. questant | 34. uneducated |
18. besort (noun and verb) | 4. impaint | 4. questrist | 35. unexperient |
19. betrim | 5. impartment | 36. unexpressive | |
20. betumbled | 6. imperceiverant | R | 37. unfamed |
21. bewasted | 7. impeticos | 38. unfathered | |
22. bewitchment | 8. impleach | 1. razorable | 39. unfilial |
23. biddy | 9. implorator | 2. reclusive | 40. unfool |
24. birthdom | 10. importless | 3. recountment | 41. unforfeited |
25. blastment | 11. impress (noun 2 | 4. rejoindure | 42. ungalled |
26. boggler | and verb 1) | 5. relier | 43. ungenitured |
27. bosky | 12. inaidable | 6. relume / relumine | 44. ungored |
28. bottled | 13. incardinate | 7. remediate | 45. ungravely |
29. bragless | 14. inclip | 8. removedness | 46. ungrown |
30. brimfulness | 15. incorpsed | 9. reportingly | 47. unhaired |
31. brisky | 16. increaseful | 10. reposure | 48. unhand |
32. bubukle | 17. indistinguishable | 11. reprobance | 49. unhardened |
33. budger | 18. indistinguished | 12. repured | 50. unimproved (adj. 2) |
34. buggle-boo | 19. infamonize | 13. reputeless | 51. unkinglike |
20. infectiously | 14. respeak | 52. unmeritable | |
C | 21. inhoop | 15. restem | 53. unmitigable |
22. injoint | 16. resurvey | 54. unmitigated | |
1. canary (noun 4) | 23. inscroll | 17. revengive | 55. unnerved |
2. cannibally | 24. inshell | 18. reverb | 56. unowed |
3. canopied | 25. insinew | 19. reword | 57. unpanged |
4. cardinally | 26. insisture | 20. ribaudred | 58. unpathed |
5. carlot | 27. instinctively | 21. rondure | 59. unpay (verb 2) |
6. cerement | 28. insultment | 22. rooky | 60. unpeg |
7. chaffless | 29. insuppresive | 23. rootedly | 61. unpinked |
8. chaliced | 30. intenible | 24. rubious | 62. unplausive |
9. chapeless | 31. interchain | 25. rumourer | 63. unpolicied |
10. chapless | 32. intertangled | 26. runnion | 64. unpregnant |
11. characterless | 33. intertissued | 65. unprevailing | |
12. charneco | 34. intrenchant | S | 66. unprofited |
13. childness | 35. intrince | 67. unprovoke | |
14. chirurgeonly | 36. inurn | 1. s' | 68. unpruned |
15. choppy | 37. inventorially | 2. sanctuarize | 69. unqualitied |
16. cital | 38. investment | 3. savagery | 70. unrecalling |
17. climature | 39. invised | 4. scaffoldage | 71. unrecuring |
18. cloyless | 40. irregulous | 5. scamel | 72. unseduced |
19. cloyment | 41. iterance | 6. scarfed | 73. unseminared |
20. codding | 7. scrimer | 74. unsex | |
21. cojoin | J | 8. scrippage | 75. unshout |
22. collied | 9. sect (noun 2) | 76. unshrubbed | |
23. comart | 1. jadery | 10. sedged | 77. unshunned |
24. combless | 2. Joan | 11. semblative | 78. unsisting |
25. comeddled | 3. joinder | 12. sessa | 79. unslipping |
26. comutual | 4. jointress | 13. sharded | 80. unsmirched |
27. compulsative | 5. juvenal | 14. shelvy | 81. unsolicited |
28. compulsatory | 15. sherris | 82. unsphere | |
29. compunctious | K | 16. silverly | 83. unstooping |
30. conceptious | 17. sistering | 84. unsullied | |
31. concernancy | 1. keech | 18. skimble-skamble | 85. unswayable |
32. confineless | 2. keksyes | 19. skyish | 86. unswayed |
33. confirmity | 3. kickie-wickie | 20. sledded | 87. untempering |
34. congree | 4. kingdomed | 21. sleided | 88. untender |
35. congreet | 22. slickly | 89. untent | |
36. conspectuity | L | 23. slippered | 90. untented |
37. continuantly | 24. slish | 91. untimbered | |
38. copataine | 1. labra | 25. sluggardize | 92. untread |
39. correctioner | 2. languageless | 26. smell-less | 93. untreasure |
40. corresponsive | 3. laughable | 27. smirched | 94. untutored |
41. co-supreme | 4. law (int.) | 28. sneap / sneaping | 95. unvenerable |
42. crestless | 5. lewdster | 29. soiled (adj. 2) | 96. unwappered |
43. crimeful | 6. lifeling | 30. sola | 97. unwedgeable |
44. cubiculo | 7. loo | 31. soldieress | 98. unweighing |
45. cullionly | 8. looped (adj. 2) | 32. solidare | 99. unwept |
46. cursorary | 9. lune (noun 2) | 33. sonance | 100. unwrung |
47. cyme | 10. lustihood | 34. sortance | 101. ushering |
35. soundless | |||
D | M | 36. sowl (verb 3) | V |
37. spectacled | |||
1. daisied | 1. malicho | 38. spectatorship | 1. vagrom |
2. dateless | 2. mansionry | 39. spelling | 2. varletto |
3. deceptious | 3. manus | 40. spilth | 3. vastidity |
4. definement | 4. mappery | 41. spleenful | 4. vastly |
5. defunctive | 5. marcantant | 42. sprag | 5. ventage |
6. denotement | 6. meditance | 43. sprightfully | 6. via |
7. deracinate | 7. meered | 44. squinny | 7. viewless |
8. derogately | 8. memento mori | 45. startingly | 8. villagery |
9. devotement | 9. militarist | 46. stelled | 9. visitating |
10. diable | 10. millioned | 47. sternage | 10. vizament |
11. dich | 11. minimus | 48. stigmatic | |
12. directitude | 12. misadventured | 49. stichery | W |
13. disbench | 13. misbecomingly | 50. strewment | |
14. discandy | 14. misgraffed | 51. stricture (noun 2) | 1. wafture |
15. discandying | 15. mis-sheathed | 52. stringless | 2. wappened |
16. discase | 16. missingly | 53. stuck (noun 2) | 3. week |
17. disedge | 17. mistership | 54. subcontract | 4. wenchless |
18. disinsanity | 18. mistreading | 55. subduement | |
19. disliken | 19. mobled | 56. subtractor | 5. windring |
20. dislimn | 20. mockable | 57. successantly | 6. wrinch |
21. disorb | 21. Moorship | 58. sumless | |
22. dispraisingly | 22. moraller | 59. superdainty | X |
23. disproperty | 23. morris (noun 2) | 60. superflux | |
24. dispurse | 24. mose (verb 2) | 61. superpraise | Y |
25. disquantity | 25. moulten | 62. superscript | |
26. distilment | 26. moy (noun 2) | 63. superserviceable | 1. yellowing |
27. disvouch | 64. suppliant (adj. 2) | ||
28. dotant | N | 65. suraddition | Z |
29. dowerless | 66. suum | ||
30. drollery | 1. nayword | 67. swoltery | |
31. droplet | 2. neglectingly | 68. sympathize | |
32. dropsied | 3. niggarding | (shared credit) | |
33. dwindle | 4. noncome | ||
5. nonny | |||
E | 6. nonregardance | ||
7. Norwejan | |||
1. eanling | |||
2. effectless | O | ||
3. egma | |||
4. emballing | 1. oathable | ||
5. embrasure | 2. omittance | ||
6. empatron | 3. oneyer | ||
7. empiricutic | 4. operance | ||
8. enacture | 5. opposeless | ||
9. enclog | 6. oppugnancy | ||
10. encompassment | 7. ostent (noun 2) | ||
11. encrimsoned | 8. ouphe | ||
12. end (verb 2) | |||
13. enfranched | |||
14. enfreedom | |||
15. engaol | |||
16. enguard | |||
17. enhearse | |||
18. enmesh | |||
19. enrapt | |||
20. enridged | |||
21. enschedule | |||
22. ensky | |||
23. enswathe | |||
24. entame (verb 2) | |||
25. entwist | |||
26. enwheel | |||
27. escot | |||
28. eventful | |||
29. evil (noun 2) | |||
30. exceptless | |||
31. excitement | |||
32. exion | |||
33. exposture | |||
34. exposure | |||
35. expressure | |||
36. exsufflicate | |||
37. extincture | |||
38. extolment |